Thursday, January 31, 2013

marine science noaa questions

-The N.O.A.A are the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration. They are focused on conditions and behavior of the oceans and atmosphere.

 -The intensity of a sonar tells scientists that the longer it takes for an echo to return, the farther away the reflective surface, whether its the wall of a canyon or the sea floor.

 -The R.O.V. stands for Remote Operated Vehicle; it assists scientists because it helps them see underwater up to 10,000 feet deep.

 -These studies are important to society because we use the oceans for food, energy, and materials. Oceans also play a major role in controlling climate. Life began in oceans so we must know about them.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


bathymetry by Jblack17 on GoAnimate

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  1. Bathymetry: what is it (define the word)? What’s the difference between a bathymetric map and a topographic map? Bathymetric map shows the equal depth and Topographic shows the equal height
    1. how did Oceanographers map the ocean floor in the past, and what were the results?past they tied a rope to a rock and threw in the ocean and measure the rope when it hit the bottom.
  2. How do oceanographers map the oceans now, and how accurate and effective is this method?Now we use echo sound machines which is limited accurate cause ship movement
  3. Why are multibeam echo sounders so effective?They are effective because they correct movements of the boats. An example that made this possible was The Hawaii-Emperor Seamount chain.
  4. What’s an example of an underwater discovery that was made possible by multibeam echo sounders?same as 4
  5. Why do oceanographers map the oceans below the surface? Why is this important to society? Oceanographers map it so that we can protect marine environments and it is important to society for support safe navigation.